Your Partner in Weaving Technology

About Us

Our principles

Paul Horstmann and Thomas Huber, CEO
Paul Horstmann and Thomas Huber, CEO

IQ-SPS GmbH focuses on niches or specialties and tries to bring excellent results in these branches of the market.

A company with an obligatory code of conduct and a clear strategic direction. It gains above-average results on all world markets. The company closely cooperates with the world’s leading research institutes and is always open to new innovative ideas, no matter where these ideas come from. The company is prepared to take new ways to strengthen its own know-how. Its good image on the market is important and is maintained accordingly. The company has a motivated, consistent customer-oriented distribution structure. Cost optimisation is a normal process for the company. It is developing in a diversified way and achieves a high market penetration in all customer segments.

It is not in the nature of our company to leave great opportunities to its competitors.

When developing new products, our company involves customers, suppliers and research institutes. Acquisitions are made on the world market but under strict compliance of our ambitious quality requirements. Production facilities are being installed at the most appropriate locations. Sales and marketing policies are being affected by customer orientation and is diversified by customer segments. Communicative availability of information is a so-called 'flow-related communication network'. Financing is controlled and supervised via financial holdings. Organisational structures are kept as flat as possible and development of networks is being supported. The profile of organisational structures is a change-oriented organisation. Acquisitions and cooperations are constantly reassessed and updated.

Milestones of IQ-SPS GmbH

2010: Founding of IQ-SPS GmbH
2013: Construction of our own production building and administration building

Construction of second production facility and


installation of mechanical machinery (lathe, milling, drilling, welding)


Installation of CNC-machining center

2018: Staff increases to 18 employees

ITMA Barcelona and construction of third production facility


Presentation of new weaving machine PHOENIX on ITMA 2023

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Keplerweg 15

48493 Wettringen / Germany

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We are a member of

Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau